Monday, June 22, 2009

News: Rotherham energy project on the starting grid


The Engineer reports that the hydrogen mini grid system (HMGS) in Rotherham is is set to begin full demonstrations in the next three to four months.

The Advanced Manufacturing Park Technology Centre in Rotherham is to be the first building in Europe fuelled solely by wind and "green" hydrogen power.

TNEI Services Ltd and the Pure Energy Centre were awarded the £2.3 million project from Yorkshire Forward to create the hydrogen mini-grid where electricity generated by an onsite 225kW wind turbine will be used to power the building and any excess stored using innovative hydrogen fuel cells.

Jason Stoyel, TNEI's technical manager told the magazine: "One of the key stumbling blocks is that electrolysis requires a nice constant source of power like you get from the grid, whereas renewable energy tends to vary. With the HMGS you can take all that variation into the electrolyser to generate hydrogen."

UPS Systems has successfully demonstrated that the fuel cell is operational as it generated over 12,000kWh of electricity during May and exported 2,000kWh to the local distribution network. The rest of the electricity was used on site.

"We're not claiming it's the best ever system but it's a working demonstration of what could be done. It's using local products that are innovative. For example, the electrolyser hasn't been done before and the storage system is based on a composite cylinder using technology that is still being proven."

The Engineer article
Hydrogen Yorkshire website



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