Friday, May 20, 2011

News: Response Vehicle Lighting set to shine


A young Rotherham entrepreneur has turned his childhood hobby into a flourishing business thanks to his fascination with flashing lights.

With help from Rotherham Youth Enterprise (RYE), Sam Goddard launched his own company, Response Vehicle Lighting, just 12 months ago and it's going from strength to strength.

Sam developed the skills throughout his childhood until he could confidently get broken lights to work again. He found that there was a market on the internet for the products and maintenance services that he could offer.

After finishing his GCSEs, Sam decided to turn his hobby into a profession and visited business coaches at Rotherham Youth Enterprise (RYE) for some valuable advice and to discuss the way forward.

Sam said: "I met with Darren McDool who supported me with my business plan and found me local premises to work from. The team at RYE have helped me turn my dream into reality and have assisted in the set up of Response Vehicle Lighting which over the last 12 months has been an exciting and successful adventure."

In April last year, Sam registered as a sole trader and has since built up a range of new and refurbished vehicle lights. He has since supplied lights for highway maintenance, recovery, mountain rescue vehicles and private ambulances.

Jackie Frost from RYE said: "Sam came to us needing a little pushing in the right direction. He was one of our youngest ever budding entrepreneurs and he has made a great success of his company. I think he surprised himself at just how capable he is with meeting demand and deadlines- not bad for a young lad who liked to play with lights!"

Response Vehicle Lighting Facebook page


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