Monday, March 5, 2012

News: Rotherham helping to get North Lincolnshire ready


Primary schools and businesses across North Lincolnshire have been working hard to transform just £5 into huge profits through the acclaimed Rotherham Ready, Make £5 Blossom scheme.

Facilitated by North Lincolnshire Council and sponsored by UK Steel Enterprise, 8 schools took part in the latest round of activity from October 2011 to February 2012.

Developed in Rotherham by the award winning enterprise education team, Make £5 Blossom supports schools committed to developing a culture of enterprise. An initial investment of just £150 is provided by the partner business to their school, which leads to a whole class of eager pupils developing business plans and launching an idea or product. After an initial meeting, each child will be given £5 and they have to make a profit – paying back their loan in full.

Rotherham Ready staff led both the launch and closing events for the schools and were amazed at the overall £2,836.45 profit made by the collective of schools and their business partners.

A spokesperson from North Lincolnshire Council, said: "Make £5 Blossom develops links between schools and businesses and these are further strengthened as the businesses provide expert advice and help to the different groups of school children to guide them through the project.

"Exciting Make £5 Blossom activities have included making bubble bath, recipe cards and tasty treats along with many other innovative ideas."

Cllr Keith Vickers, Mayor of North Lincolnshire, added: "This is a fun and valuable scheme that helps North Lincolnshire children develop their entrepreneurial flair. It also benefits teachers and helps local businesses forge links with our schools."

Businesses supporting the schools were overwhelmed at the commitment and resilience of the students taking part, commenting that such positive results really underpin the need for enterprise in education to start at an early age.

Keith Williams, regional manager for Yorkshire, Humberside and the Midlands at UK Steel Enterprise, said: "If we are to encourage entrepreneurship and business start-ups then understanding how to identify and satisfy a market need is an important skill.

"An appreciation of what is required to start and run a business can provide youngsters with the confidence to do it themselves in the future and provides important life skills for any job."

The Rotherham Ready team recently launched a national enterprise education programme based on the ground-breaking work taking place in Rotherham. Discussions are also underway on the possibility of the "Are You Ready?" project being developed as a social enterprise.

Rotherham Ready website


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