News: Large Rotherham housing development in line for planning approval
Outline plans for a 450 house development in Rotherham could be approved next week.
Planning officers are recommending that members of the Council's planning board approve the plans for former Greenbelt land at Whiston, subject to a number of conditions.
Over 300 letters of representation have been received.
Rothbiz reported last year that landowners had worked together to submit an application having previously secured a residential allocation for the nearly 50 acre site off Lathe Road / Worry Goose Lane at Whiston through the development of the borough's Local Plan.
The site consists of two arable fields divided by a bank and hedgerow and sits between existing housing and Sitwell golf course.
Applicants, AE Waddington, R Parkes & V Foers, have worked with JVH Town Planning and agents, WYG, on a masterplan including apartments, townhouses, semis and detatched houses.
A resident's action group, the parish council and the local MP have objected to the plans with issues raised including traffic impact and flooding and drainage issues.
To satisfy transport officers at the Council updated studies were required. They have led to the conclusion that multimillion pound improvements are necessary at the nearby Worrrygoose roundabout. The junction already operates at capacity with queues and include road widening, bus lanes and new crossings.
Planners conclude: "The Sites and Policies Document removed the site from the Green Belt and allocated it for ‘Residential’ purposes. It forms allocated Housing Site H34 and is located within a suitable distance from local facilities. As such, the proposal is acceptable in principle.
"The scheme is acceptable in terms of highway safety, and the indicative plans and details submitted indicate that it is acceptable in terms of provision of open space, drainage, ecology and landscaping as well as other general amenity issues identified above. The scheme is considered to be sustainable and has notable benefits in terms of market and affordable housing provision and associated social and economic benefits arising from such provision.
"Development in this location will support the ongoing delivery of services and facilities within the local area and provide much needed market housing to meet Local Plan targets for housing development within the Plan period to 2028."
Councillors are due to discuss and vote on the plans on November 5.
Images: Google Maps
Planning officers are recommending that members of the Council's planning board approve the plans for former Greenbelt land at Whiston, subject to a number of conditions.
Over 300 letters of representation have been received.
Rothbiz reported last year that landowners had worked together to submit an application having previously secured a residential allocation for the nearly 50 acre site off Lathe Road / Worry Goose Lane at Whiston through the development of the borough's Local Plan.
The site consists of two arable fields divided by a bank and hedgerow and sits between existing housing and Sitwell golf course.
Applicants, AE Waddington, R Parkes & V Foers, have worked with JVH Town Planning and agents, WYG, on a masterplan including apartments, townhouses, semis and detatched houses.
A resident's action group, the parish council and the local MP have objected to the plans with issues raised including traffic impact and flooding and drainage issues.
To satisfy transport officers at the Council updated studies were required. They have led to the conclusion that multimillion pound improvements are necessary at the nearby Worrrygoose roundabout. The junction already operates at capacity with queues and include road widening, bus lanes and new crossings.
Planners conclude: "The Sites and Policies Document removed the site from the Green Belt and allocated it for ‘Residential’ purposes. It forms allocated Housing Site H34 and is located within a suitable distance from local facilities. As such, the proposal is acceptable in principle.
"The scheme is acceptable in terms of highway safety, and the indicative plans and details submitted indicate that it is acceptable in terms of provision of open space, drainage, ecology and landscaping as well as other general amenity issues identified above. The scheme is considered to be sustainable and has notable benefits in terms of market and affordable housing provision and associated social and economic benefits arising from such provision.
"Development in this location will support the ongoing delivery of services and facilities within the local area and provide much needed market housing to meet Local Plan targets for housing development within the Plan period to 2028."
Councillors are due to discuss and vote on the plans on November 5.
Images: Google Maps
I've got ten bob on the council meeting being held 'in private' when they discuss this!
Does anyone know what the developers propose to do to retain surface water and not make the flooding of Whiston Brook any worse?
No matter how valid the objections are, I’m sure the council will plough on ahead and approve the plans.
It has been proven time after time that they do not listen. Bramley one way system for instance?
It looks like using dry basins to act as tanks/ponds and some in-pipe storage but as the plans are only at an outline stage full details are not yet worked up. One of the conditions is likely to be that it won't be approved unless full details are submitted and checked by the council, Yorkshire Water and the Environment Agency.
Houses being built for who? Country on brink of total economic collapse,who's gunna buy em?
If like me you work in a secure sector that has to maintain its service throughout every situation and pandemic, we have no option other than to save lives and homes, would welcome an opertunitues to buy a new property close to our place of work @ RGH
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