Thursday, February 14, 2008

News: Renaissance art project a big hit with schools


An art project aimed at involving school children in the development of Rotherham town centre has led to more than 1,500 pupils from more than 20 primary and secondary schools producing paintings, drawings and other artwork based on the Rotherham Renaissance scheme. Working together, Rotherham Ready, Rotherham Youth Enterprise and Rotherham Renaissance are looking for art students from Rotherham colleges to collect work from each school and form a big mosaic design incorporating their ideas. The finished designs will feature on hoardings that surrond the new developments such as those in the Westgate area.
Rotherham Renaissance website


Anonymous,  March 13, 2008 at 10:01 AM  

Renaissance artwork project – last chance for entries.

At the last count, a staggering 25 schools and 1,700 pupils have accepted the challenge to make their mark.

Funded by Yorkshire Forward, Renaissance images and branding are being mounted on the long hoardings round the All Saints’ and Imperial Buildings regeneration site. The young people’s contribution will be in the form of a large-scale mosaic, created by students from Rotherham colleges and containing every piece of artwork by the pupils. An unveiling is planned for the summer.

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