Thursday, June 19, 2008

News: Tim steps up in Rotherham


Tim O’Connell has taken up the post of business development manager at Rotherham Investment & Development Office (RiDO), the regeneration arm of the council, following from Paul Woodcock, the new director of Planning & Regeneration. Tim's focus is to take the expertise and success of the borough’s strong track record in business incubation a stage further and increase the number of high calibre companies in the region. Tim said: “Rotherham’s increasingly proving itself to be a centre for high-quality and high-tech businesses that in many cases are world leaders in their fields. “What we aim to do is to capitalise on that - and utilise our expertise and success in supporting and nurturing start-up businesses - to attract further, new and established companies into the area, which can tap into the existing infrastructure and skill base to prosper. “Rotherham has a strong economy despite the downturn being experienced by other regions. Whilst there will be challenges ahead, with a continually modernising town which is currently undergoing an enormous and exciting period of change, we have good reason to be positive and are well placed to compete on a national and international level for inward investment.” In his nine years with RiDO, Tim O’Connell has already played a key role in raising the borough’s profile as a strong business location and one that is both nationally and internationally recognised as a leader in start-up business and incubation.
RiDO website


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