Tuesday, August 19, 2008

News: Rotherham designers showcase recent work


Rotherham based, UK Logo Design have used their blog to showcase some of their latest designs. The company has produced a number of designs including a fresh, modern logo design for Bio-DHT, a bio chemical and life sciences company; the logo and stationery for Berkshire based, Catalyst Construction; the logo for a new piece of e-commerce software from Sentin Electronic; logo design for a Scandinavian decor website; and the logo design for the Givesto Wine Bar that will be used on signs and window stickers, business cards, wine menus, match boxes and staff uniforms. Gemma Bison of Givesto said: "We were completely blown away by the speed at which we received our first drafts. The high quality of the first submissions made it quite hard for us to choose as they were all really good, we are so pleased with the final result it really has set our business apart from the rest."
UK Logo Design blog


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