News: National press coverage for Rotherham
Rotherham gained excellent coverage from both ends of the national press spectrum last week, with prominent features in The Sun and Financial Times. In a large report on Doing Business in Yorkshire & Humber, the Financial Times discussed the world class engineering facilities on the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) in Rotherham and the return to the region of Dormer Tools. The report also included an interview with Adrian Allen, commercial director of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, also based on the AMP. On the impact of the centre, Mr Allen told the FT: "Take Dormer Tools. It's not serendipity that they’re here; they can choose wherever in the world to go, and it's here, which is great, the home of tool making." The Sun published a feature on Rotherham with the headline: "We will fight back" and discusses the rallying call in response to the recent redundancy announcements in the town. Paul Woodcock, director of planning and regeneration at Rotherham Council told The Sun: "We have had a couple of high profile announcements of job losses but I don't think Rotherham is being hit any worse or any better than most other places in the UK. "We have shown our resilience in the past and we can do so again."
FT article2nd FT article
The Sun article
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