News: Planning secured for RCAT town centre campus
Designed by Bond Bryan, the new three storey building will be erected on the site of the recently-demolished Floreat House on Howard Street. It will provide a new focal point entrance for the campus, with classrooms and facilities equipped to modern standards.
The new building will also link to the existing advanced manufacturing facilities and provide an improved environment for the development of higher level and technical skills courses.
The value of the project is £8.15m in total with funding coming from a combination of a loan of £5m from Rotherham Council and the use of some of the college's own financial reserves to the value of £3.15m.
Bond Bryan associate director Bruce Raw said: "The college's intention is to rebuild the entire town centre campus over five phases as funds become available.
"This [first phase] comprises 1,975 sq m of new building teaching space and 1,200 sq m of refurbished accommodation. This will provide a new entrance for the college and create a brand new identity for the college in the town centre, together with high quality teaching and support accommodation for enrolment and student support services as well as other functions.
The college is hopeful that the new building work will be complete by August 2011.
RCAT website
Bond Bryan website
Images: Bond Bryan
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