Tuesday, September 27, 2011

News: Public hangings in Rotherham town centre


An open air art gallery is being created to help regenerate Rotherham town centre and increase the number of visitors.

Over 60 pieces of artwork by local, national and world renowned artists will be reproduced in large format – the largest 4m x 8m - and hung on the side of buildings in over 35 public places throughout the town centre.

Local company Rainforest Graphics, which has reproduced the pieces, started the installation last week, which is due to be completed by the end of September.

The idea came about due to a group of local business people working alongside the local strategic partnership and town centre team looking at ways to regenerate and encourage more shoppers and visitors into Rotherham, in order to drive the local economy.

Nick Cragg, local entrepreneur and chair of the Rotherham Economy Board, who is spearheading the project, said: "Rotherham will be one of the first towns in the UK to have its own open air art gallery, which is fantastic news and will help to play an important part in its regeneration and further economic growth.

"The pieces have been carefully selected so that we could exhibit works of world renowned masters, whilst providing a platform for Rotherham's own artists, as well as local young people to display their work."

Local artists represented include: Chris Bird, Zahir Rafiq, Leslie R Black, Sara Platts, Nigel Senior, Bernadine Stocks and Daniel Barnett whose work will be featured alongside pieces by Picasso, Da Vinci, Cezanne, Henry Moore, Van Gogh and Rousseau.

Artwork has also been selected from seven local schools that took part in an art-based project earlier this year, with some of the best pieces selected, including a huge image of a fish and a cross-eyed tiger.

Schools involved include St Bernard's Catholic High School, Thornhill Primary, Kiveton Park Infant School, Monkwood Primary, Abbey Special School and Swinton Queen Primary School, as well as a number of pieces supplied by students at Rotherham College of Arts & Technology (RCAT).

Art can be seen on Corporation Street with further works to be installed at locations such as RCAT's campus, the walkway to Tesco and along College Lane.

High profile partners are backing the project including Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Welcome to Yorkshire, the Hepworth Gallery and the National Gallery.

Gary Verity, chief executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, said: "It is fantastic that this exciting open air art gallery will be based right here in South Yorkshire.

"Rotherham has some excellent artistic talent and it is great that work by students, local commercial artists and world renowned artists is going to be displayed alongside each other for everyone to enjoy.

"This is just the start of what will be a hugely exciting project for Rotherham, for the benefit of local people, as well as helping to attract more visitors to the town from across the region and indeed the whole of the UK."

Rotherham Open Air Gallery website
Rainforest Graphics website

Images: Rainforest


Anonymous,  September 27, 2011 at 2:11 PM  

Superb title. It really sounded entertaining for a while!

Anonymous,  September 28, 2011 at 9:52 PM  
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