Tuesday, November 15, 2011

News: Rotherham United secure first sponsor for new stadium


Rotherham United is set to sign their first sponsorship deal at the new stadium this week, with Rotherham-based Eric Twigg Foods to sponsor the West Stand.

Eric Twigg, chairman of Eric Twigg Foods and managing director Matthew Twigg will be joined by Millers chairman Tony Stewart, and new head of commercial Steve Lewis at the stadium site on Wednesday to confirm the deal, which will see the Pukka Pies brand above the new stand for at least the next three years.

Rotherham were the first club to stock Pukka Pies, courtesy of Eric Twigg Foods of Parkgate, back in 1981. In the 30 years since, the company's relationship with the great British game has grown to the point where football supporters buy in excess of half a million Pukka Pies every season.

Matthew Twigg said: "My father, our chairman, has always been a massive Rotherham United fan and I followed in his footsteps, so we are delighted to be the first major sponsors of the new stadium.

"We have just celebrated a 30-year association with the club, and as we enter a new exciting time in the clubs history, we are delighted to be extending our association long into the future. I think it is fair to say that having a Pukka Pie has become part of the tradition of attending a Rotherham United game, and a lot of thanks have to go to the Millers fans for making that happen."

Recently installed head of commercial, Steve Lewis added: "Today is a great day for the club and for Rotherham. Eric and Matthew Twigg have been long standing supporters of the club with the Pukka Pie brand, and this sponsorship highlights that.

"The new stadium will bring life into the town and Eric Twigg Foods have captured this, by seizing this sponsorship opportunity. Being the 'new guy on the block' I am so pleased a deal of this scale has been reached, three years is a perfect length for a sponsorship to grow and develop alongside the club, and where better than in our new home. We look forward to working with Matthew [Twigg] and his team, on what is an new and exciting time in Rotherham United's history."

With construction well underway and the stadium set for completion in July, Lewis is confident that more deals are in the pipeline.

He added: "We have had interest from quite a few companies on stand and more so stadium sponsorship, not sounding arrogant, but why wouldn't we? This is an amazing opportunity to promote a business brand and/or product, one that only comes around once in a lifetime for local business, we won't be building a new stadium every year, and the companies who are coming forward are aware of that."

Eric Twigg Foods website
Rotherham United website

Images: Ellrod


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