Tuesday, April 17, 2012

News: Gallery Town artwork to be refreshed


The artwork on display as part of the Gallery Town project in Rotherham town centre is being refreshed, much like in a traditional art gallery.

As the next phase of artwork is just about to launch, local residents are being invited to vote on which piece they would like to see displayed most prominently.

By logging on to the Gallery Town facebook page (www.facebook.com/gallerytown), people have the chance to make their views count by taking part in the online ballot, which closes on Wednesday April 19 at 12 noon. Ballot papers can also be picked up and posted at locations in the town centre.

Five world renowned artwork pieces have been selected and the one which receives the most votes will be displayed in the largest, most prominent location in the town centre – this will be determined by whether a portrait or landscape piece is most popular. The artwork is by famous painters such as Edouard Vuillard, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Jan Van Eyck and Georges Seurat.

The spring/summer 2012 Gallery Town art trail is due to be officially launched in May on the seasonal themes of holidays, travel and water. This latest phase will feature reproductions of works by world renowned painters of the past, as well as artwork from local artists and school children from the Rotherham area.

In September last year, Rotherham became Gallery Town when a group of local entrepreneurs got together to arrange for 60 large pieces of artwork – including work by Rotherham students, local artists and some of the world's greatest painters – to be installed in key outdoor locations around the town.

The artwork is already displayed on shops and well known buildings such as Rotherham Market, English Opticians, Pop nightclub, along with several pieces on College Lane, alongside the B&M store and the walkway from Corporation Street through to the town centre Tesco.

The project, which is backed by the Rotherham LSP (Local Strategic Partnership) Board was started as a way to regenerate the town centre, attract more visitors and to help create more trade for local businesses.

Nick Cragg, local entrepreneur and member of the Rotherham LSP Board, said: "We had a great reaction from local people and retailers to Gallery Town during the first phase of artworks and it is really exciting to be introducing the next phase of the project. By running a ballot, we are hoping that as many local people as possible can get involved in choosing the artwork they would like to see displayed in the most prominent place."

Gallery Town website

Images: Gallery Town


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