Thursday, April 4, 2013

News: Enterprising Rotherham infants learn through taking risks


As part of the innovative "Are You Ready?" enterprise education initiative, pupils at Herringthorpe Infants School in Rotherham are being encouraged to learn through taking risks and are learning from their mistakes.

The Are You Ready? team, train teachers to develop enterprise and entrepreneurship through the curriculum, to enhance learning and develop children's enterprising attitudes and behaviours. It has grown out of the acclaimed enterprise project, Rotherham Ready, which developed the concept of a 4-19 Enterprise Entitlement to engage all children and young people in enterprise learning from as soon as they start school.

Year 2 children at Herringthorpe worked to a real design brief set by younger children in the school who were keeping chickens and wanted to sell their eggs, but kept dropping them. The children were asked to design durable and attractive packaging, pitch their ideas and risk testing them with an "egg drop."

Lynne Pepper, head teacher at Herringthorpe Infants School, said: "Developing enterprise has helped us create a learning environment where children have the opportunity to take risks and make mistakes, and learn from both. Part of this approach is about stepping back and letting children take the lead and develop their confidence and resilience from being independent and bouncing back from failure."

Entrepreneurship expert Dr Tim Vorley, from the University of Sheffield, is evaluating the programme which provides innovative and high impact enterprise education training and provision, supporting schools, colleges and universities to work with young people, business and the wider community to create a culture of enterprise in education and beyond.

Dr Vorley said: "This approach is powerful because it creates an environment and culture which encourages students to embrace uncertainty and recognise there can be multiple solutions and outcomes to challenges."

The approach to enterprise education has garnered world wide interest and acclaim, with professors and business people from Japan, Finland, Lithuania and Spain visiting to find out more and Rotherham being crowned "The Most Enterprising Place in Britain" in 2010.

NESTA, the UK's leading innovation charity, is investing in supporting the scale up of model, and has been supporting the development of the Are You Ready? social enterprise which operates nationally.

Catherine Brentnall, managing director of Are You Ready?, said: "Being able to take risks and handle uncertainty are key enterprise capabilities and crucial life skills for young people in the 21st century. Our approach harnesses the unique opportunity teachers have to influence the development of young people's skills and attitudes by creating opportunities for learning about, through and for enterprise as part of the everyday curriculum."

Are You Ready website

Images: Herringthorpe Infants School


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