Monday, October 3, 2016

News: Rotherham waste to energy centre set for planning approval


Plans are being recommended for approval for a new renewable energy centre in Rotherham that would convert 215,000 tonnes of waste a year into energy using new forms of gasification technology.

Rolton Kilbride is hoping to operate the facility on the former Sterecycle site that is adjacent to the Magna Science Adventure Centre in Templeborough.

Not an incinerator or an autoclaving plant like Sterecycle, the new development would use an Advanced Conversion Technology "gasification" process that heats the residual waste to very high temperatures, causing the materials to break down whilst also generating a gas, which when burnt off in a boiler, creates energy.

The Renewable Energy Centre (REC) would recover heat and power and also include a Mechanical Treatment Facility (MTF) for the recovery of recyclable materials with the associated plant and infrastructure and landscaping located within land off Sheffield Road. The REC would have the capacity to generate up to 23 megawatts (MW) of exportable electricity - the equivalent of powering over 40,000 homes on a continual basis. The plant is capable of accepting approximately 215,000 tonnes of waste per annum which would otherwise go to landfill.

Having assessed the impact of the development on air quality, local transport, noise and odour and flooding, the planning board at Rotherham Council is being recommended by officers to approve the application subject to a number of conditions.

A total of 126 HGV trips per day are expected (63 in / 63 out) and the flue stack will be some 100m high. No objections have been received from nearby residents despite a high level of local consultation having taken place in the area.

If approved, the facility will employ 42 full time operators, maintenance technicians, engineers and managers. The warehouse and storage facility could employ up to another 40 people.


The report to the planning board concludes: "The waste streams will come from within a one hour drive of the site, meeting the proximity principle and in policy terms the principle of a renewable energy centre is therefore acceptable in policy terms.

"Overall Rotherham's Air Quality Officer has concurred with the supporting documentation in terms of the 100m stack height and operational air quality impacts of the development.

"The Transportation Unit along with Highways England have are satisfied with the details outlined within the transport assessment regarding vehicle numbers, layout, parking and highway capacity issues and have raised no objections to the proposal from a highway aspect.

"The design and visual aspects of the scheme mask much of the external pipework details and the glazed design features and more publically accessible areas of the scheme have a greater visual prominence.

"The noise survey details have been assessed as acceptable by RMBC's Environmental Health department. The drainage and flood risk issues have been considered satisfactory by the Council's Drainage Officer along with the Environment Agency. The visual, landscaping and ecology issues are considered acceptable.

"No objections have been raised, the proposal will generate up to 42 jobs, the site is considered to be suitable and overall the scheme is supported subject to conditions."

Conditions relate to limiting the amount of waste delivered to 215,000 tonnes per annum, the hours of deliveries, drainage and flooding, and carrying out an odour impact assessment.

Applicants believe that the facility will take roughly 24 months to construct, with an additional six months commissioning and testing at the end of that period.

Rotherham Energy Centre website

Images: Rolton Kilbride / Pegasus Group


Tom,  October 6, 2016 at 11:53 AM  

The board voted 8 to 1 to approve the plans. A condition regarding setting up a liaison group was added.

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