Tuesday, April 2, 2019

News: Plans pitch up for houses on Rotherham sports site


Developers are looking to score big with plans for over 100 new houses on a site in Rotherham that was previously used for sports.

Newett Homes is proposing a high-quality residential development comprising 124 dwellings on land known as The Pitches at Stag.

The acre site on Wickersley Road has previously been used for football, cricket, hockey, tennis and bowls but it has been vacant for approximately five years, during which it has not been available for public or private use. The site also includes a club house.

Plans, drawn up by JRP and Quad Consulting, are for 1, 2, 3 and 4-bedroom dwellings and provides 31 affordable homes (24.8%) on site plus plans for landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure. The former sports pavilion/clubhouse building will be demolished to facilitate the proposed vehicular access.


Most of the site is allocated as urban green space and was promoted as a residential allocation in the development of the borough's local plan by the current site owners but this was rejected by Rotherham Council on the basis that "there is demonstrable demand for sporting facilities on site."

Applicants believe that "the evidence which the Council relied upon to justify the allocation was weak and limited weight should be afforded to the allocation in decision-making on that basis."

A public consultation took place in January with around 100 people attending and the plans have been amended to address concerns.

There has been some opposition to the plans and a group of local residents submitted an application to Rotherham Council with the aim of nominating the site as an Asset of Community Value but the applicants say that it does not meet the definition as it has not been used for over five years.
Applicants are proposing that the loss of playing pitches as a result of the development will be fully mitigated via improvements to existing provision elsewhere in the borough. An initial figure of £300,000 has been devised through a section 106 agreement and the development will also be eligible for the borough's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

With one access road onto Wickersley Road, a transport assessment concludes that "generated traffic on the surrounding area has been shown to be negligible and it is therefore concluded that the proposals could be accommodated without resulting in a detrimental or severe impact upon the local highway network."

Newett Homes website

Images: Google Maps / Newett Homes / JRP


Anonymous,  April 2, 2019 at 4:19 PM  

Should force developer to build at least one block of apartments 4 storey plus on development ,why build all houses when more and more people are single households and were also short of development land.

Anonymous,  April 2, 2019 at 6:43 PM  

Part of the article is wrong.The Council wrote to local residents last week and confirmed that the application by the Friends of The Pitches had been agreed. The playing fields were already designated as green space in the Local Plan. The Council has now also agreed that they are an Asset of Community Value.

Anonymous,  April 2, 2019 at 7:15 PM  

And at what time of day was the traffic assessment undertaken? Anyone who is familiar with this location will know only too well how congested Wickersley Road, the Stag roundabout and Worrygoose roundabout are. And the reason the venue hasn't been used for sports for over five years is that the gates were closed to those who wanted to use it.

Anonymous,  April 2, 2019 at 9:52 PM  

How is that an appropriate development in an area where all the housing is single or two storey?

Anonymous,  April 2, 2019 at 9:55 PM  

The developer wants cars from over 120 houses to exit onto Wickersley Road. Are they mad? Have you seen the traffic at peak times.

Mr me April 3, 2019 at 1:12 PM  

Appropriate doesn't actually come into it, fact is there's more single people both elderly and young therefore there's demand for 1 bedroom properties,and land is is shortage, so therefore multi storey development is needed. Or is it it simply not wanting properties that might "lower the tone of the area and lower house prices" 🤔

Anonymous,  June 19, 2019 at 2:38 PM  

Does anyone remember which cricket team used to play on this site?

Anonymous,  September 12, 2019 at 7:55 AM  

Dare I say that Rotherham Taxes Cricket team used to play at this venue for many years until the local office was closed and moved to Sheffield. During our tenure the venue was used by other cricket and football teams, bowling and archery clubs. We thoroughly enjoyed using this facility which also provided excellent "clubhouse" facilities which were also used by slimming, fitness, weight watching groups not forgetting celebratory and disco events.

RRLFC,  July 8, 2020 at 4:06 PM  

Club Secretary RRLFC
Pitches used for many years by Rotherham Rugby League Club until asked to leave by the owners!! So did Chantry Bowlers, Rotherham Tennis Club, Rotherham Hockey Club. A model car club spent a considerable amount of money levelling the derelict tennis courts, and were then asked to leave without a car run in anger

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