News: Dearne youngsters make £5 blossom
Since the Make £5 Blossom initiative was launched recently by Rotherham Ready, thousands of South Yorkshire pupils have been notching up profits with enterprises set up with a loan of £150 from local businesses. The South Yorkshire Times profiles the enterprises set up by pupils accross the Dearne Valley including Wath C of E Primary School, sponsored by steel firm Corus, selling framed photographs and bookmarks in conjunction with World Book Day. Teacher Rachel Parkin told the SY Times how the scheme is fantastic for pupils: "They learn skills making them more independent - skills for life which will be invaluable. Our project covered everything from basic ICT, printing and photography to sharing responsibilities, getting across the importance of advertising and sales. Just as importantly it links businesses with the school." In Rotherham more than 30 businesses have helped 2,289 pupils develop valuable enterprise skills through planning and developing their own businesses with the start up loans.
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