Monday, April 28, 2008

News: Look beyond London, see Rotherham, urges British Chambers


In an article in The Independent on the British Chambers of Commerce Convention, the business group claim that one in four British companies has already begun to feel the effects of the credit crunch but that the economy was being much less seriously affected outside London. In his keynote speech to the BCC Convention, which opens today in Liverpool, the director general of the BCC, David Frost, is expected to stress these differences. "If you lived your life in London you would often be left with the impression that the economy was about to fall off a cliff – from my visits around the country I can assure you it is not," Mr Frost will say. "When I speak to them, be it in Aberdeen, Birmingham, St Helens or Rotherham, they not only inspire me with their success, but they tell me that whilst business is challenging they are doing well. They tell me that far too much attention is paid to what happens in the Square Mile and Canary Wharf and not the real economy outside. Perhaps this is a reflection of our national preoccupation with financial services."


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