Wednesday, April 16, 2008

News: Leeds jobs under threat as printing switches to Dinnington


Johnston Press is set to end 160 years of printing the Yorkshire Evening Post in Leeds when it moves part of the Leeds print operation to its £60m Dinnington plant in Rotherham. Hold The Front Page reports that the move could put more than 40 press hall jobs under threat and looks likely to cut the Evening Post's five editions back to two and alter deadlines for journalists. A statement from Johnston's head office said: "Following a review of its print operations, Johnston Press plc has announced the proposed cessation of day printing at its Leeds press hall. As a result, 44 jobs are at risk of redundancy." The Yorkshire Post and Financial Times, which is printed on a contract basis, will continue to be printed from the Leeds base as both are broadsheet and it is thought the Dinnington press would not be able to work them into its print schedules.
Hold The Front Page article


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