Monday, May 12, 2008

News: Jamie's Ministry of Food


TV Chef, Jamie Oliver is looking to recruit a food centre manager at the Ministry of Food Rotherham. Part-time staff, and volunteers are also needed to run his food centre in All Saints' Square. The first of its kind, the Ministry of Food aims to be used to offer recipes and cooking advice and to host food-related events. Jamie told The Star: "I want a solid cook, not a chef, who is enthusiastic and good with people to become the centre's full-time manager. "Filming Ministry of Food will hopefully start something in Rotherham that will continue long after we've gone." For further details contact The latest edition of the Rotherham town centre update includes a feature on Jamie Oliver along with information on Renaissance projects, town centre events, public art and safety schemes.
The Star article
Rotherham town centre update
Rotherham town talk website


belle September 30, 2008 at 11:00 PM  

This is a brilliant idea. I was however amazed and saddened that so many people have missed out on good home cooked food. Its awful that some are finding it so difficult to afford the ingredients. perhaps jamie should also provide someone to give advice on managing their budgets in order to purchase what they need. ie. 2 or 3 recipes that use some of the same ingredients so that nothing goes to waste

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