News: National coverage for Rotherham retail schemes
A recent retail supplement in the Estates Gazette highlights a fashionable future for Rotherham and uses the case study of the new developments taking place as part of Rotherham Renaissance to show how putting new shops in less fashionable towns takes courage. The redevelopment of the Imperial Buildings and the new development at the Old Market are both mixed use schemes by developers, Iliad, who were selected by Rotherham Council to develop a number of sites in the town. The Imperial Buildings will include 16,000 sq ft of retail space and the Old Market, 7,000 sq ft and both due to open in the Summer. Iliad's development director Bill Addy told the Estates Gazette: "Clearly, there is a risk in speculative retail development in less-fashionable towns. Historically, Rotherham's problem has been that it is a poor relation to places like Sheffield. Meadowhall is just 10 minutes away, so we knew we had our work cut out, but development is about assessing risk and potential benefits and making these decisions."
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