Tuesday, June 10, 2008

News: Dormer staff given preview of new Rotherham facility


Staff at engineering giant Dormer Tools have been given a sneak preview of their state of the art facility at the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Rotherham. The framework structure of the development is now in place and Dormer expect the multi-million pound building to be open by the end of the year. John O'Donoghue, General Manager of Dormer Tools UK, said: "We want to keep our staff fully informed of how things are progressing as they will be an integral part of the new site. "As the framework section has now been completed everyone can start to imagine what the building will look like. It looks fantastic and we can't wait to move in." More than ten Dormer employees were provided with a tour around the 20,000 sq ft facility and staff and members of the public can keep an eye on how the construction is progressing by visiting the photo gallery at Dormer's new UK website.
Dormer Tools website
AMP website


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