Monday, June 2, 2008

News: Waverley details online


As part of the consultation on the massive development of Waverley in Rotherham, UK Coal and masterplanners, Atisreal have set up a detailed website with the Waverley Liaison Group. The site gives details on aspects of the proposed 300 hectare mixed use development including infrastructure, transport, drainage, community linkages, housing, commercial developments, the environment and landscaping. Plans for the next phase of the development are set to be submitted in the summer, including details of the a 60,000 sq m office and hotel scheme by Helical Governetz. The Star reports that the new community, which will be developed in phases with the first getting underway by 2010, will also be served by major transport links including new bus services and a 1,000-space park-and-ride facility. A breakdown of the planned new homes includes a small number of flats as well as two to five-bed houses. Around 30 per cent will be 'affordable housing.' Pat Wade, Waverley Liaison Group spokesperson, said: "The consultation forum lets the local residents download a feedback form. We are encouraging that people in surrounding areas visit the website to fill one in, but also to find out everything there is to know about the project. "The website is an important part of the consultation exercise. It is an excellent way for the public to find the information they need instantly and complements the printed material, ongoing consultation drop-in sessions and presentations extremely well."


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