Monday, August 4, 2008

News: Chengdu tournament has cutting edge


A fundraising tournament for the China earthquake appeal is set to be cutting edge following the support of one of Rotherham's latest investors. Dormer Tools are sponsoring two special charity games between the Chengdu Blades and Sheffield United on August 6 and Sheffield FC on August 9. Funds raised from the Blades' game will be going to the British Red Cross China Earthquake appeal, while Sheffield United - who own 90 per cent of the Chengdu side - will be wearing the charity slogan on their shirts to help raise awareness of the charity. Dormer have been supporters of Sheffield FC during the last few years and recently extended their Gold sponsorship deal with the world's first football club for another season. Nigel Bullivant, Chief Information Officer at Dormer Tools, is also responsible for the company's business in the Far East. He said: "We felt the Chengdu Blades tournament with Sheffield United and Sheffield FC would be a great opportunity for Dormer Tools to help raise as much funds as possible for the earthquake appeal. "The group has close links with China and we wanted to offer our support to those affected by the disaster."


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