Thursday, August 7, 2008

News: Global growth for Rotherham advanced metals firm


Rotherham based firm, Metalysis, has outlined their greener manufacturing process and identified the prospects for the future of the speciality metals and alloys industry. The company was formed to commericalise the electrochemical reduction technique known as the FFC Cambridge process, where specialist powder metals can be created in a simple, cost effective process with significant environmental benefits. For example Metalysis' FCC process uses less energy than traditional processes as it does not require the melting of metals, and the salt used in producing the metals can be recycled. In the period to 2010, the Cambridge University spin-out plans to launch its first three products into international markets. These are titanium, titanium based alloys (for use in biomedical, petrochemical and other sectors) and tantalum for use in the portable electronics industries. Within a short time, then, the speciality metals and alloys manufacture industry, and the global sectors it serves, may be entering a new phase when commercial interests and environmental impacts are inextricably linked, for the better. Melaysis has been backed by the venture capitalists such as Environmental Technologies Fund (ETF), 3i, QinetiQ, Seven Spires, Chord Capital and Cambridge Capital Group.
Metalysis website


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