Wednesday, September 17, 2008

News: Rotherham firms urged to become ECO stars


A South Yorkshire partnership is launching a new scheme to recognise organisations who help to improve air quality by using fleets of lower polluting vehicles and effective fuel management. Care4Air's ECO (Efficient and Cleaner Operations) Stars Fleet Recognition Scheme is coming soon to help LGV, HGV, bus and coach fleet operators gain recognition for their commitment to improving efficiency, reducing fuel consumption and reducing emissions – all helping to improve local air quality. Each organisation signing up to the scheme will have both their individual vehicles and their overall road transport operation assessed using star rating criteria, to recognise levels of operational and environmental performance. Scheme benefits include windscreen decals issued for each vehicle to profile efficiency and environmental credentials and bespoke action plans developed for each scheme member to help them progress to higher ratings levels. Care4Air aims to raise awareness of air quality issues and highlight what is happening in the region to improve the quality of our air. Care4Air is a partnership between the four South Yorkshire local authorities and is funded by the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan.
Care4Air website


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