Thursday, September 18, 2008

News: Bright future for Rotherham apprentice


Joe Dagless from Wingfield School in Rotherham is proving that starting an apprenticeship whilst at school can lead to a really bright future. A year 10 pupil, Joe is studying for his NVQ Level 2 in Performing Engineering Operations, which involves a work placement with world leaders in marine safety and environmental monitoring systems Martek Marine. Organised by the Rotherham Young Apprenticeship Partnership, led by the Local Authority, the Young Apprenticeship Programme is a new route to learning. Business & Education South Yorkshire (B&E-SY) is a key member of the Partnership and is the work placement organiser for the Programme. Pupils continue to study at school for their GCSE’s. Then for two days a week they also work towards nationally recognised vocational qualifications, usually delivered by Dearne Valley College, or Rotherham College of Art & Technology (RCAT), and undertake their work placements to support their learning. Joe attends RCAT one day a week to study as part of his Young Apprenticeship. Joe said: "I think this initiative is a great idea because I am more practically minded, rather than academic, so being able to study something more vocational is a lot more beneficial to me. I really enjoy my placement at Martek Marine and I am learning so much, especially about wiring panels and how to use tools properly. The people there are so friendly and I work closely with their other Apprentices, who really help me to understand even more about what the job and what they do on a day to day basis." Nicola Platts, HR Manager at Martek Marine said: "We have been very impressed with Joe and think the Young Apprenticeship scheme is a fantastic idea. Joe has really taken to being an apprentice engineer and is fitting in well. We would definitely consider employing him in the future." In March, Wingfield School was granted Specialist Status For Business and Enterprise Studies.
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