Wednesday, February 3, 2010

News: HR boost for Rotherham businesses


Rotherham Investment & Development Office (RiDO) the regeneration arm of Rotherham Borough Council, has recruited a new human resources specialist – so it can extend the free recruitment and employment advice it already gives to firms in the borough.

Nicola Nicholson is an experienced HR business consultant, whose background ranges from setting up an overseas investor's first personnel, training and health and safety department to working with national insurance and stainless steel companies. She is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.

Nicola said: "Using my experience to ensure firms already here, or looking to invest here, get all the detailed employment information and support they need is an exciting project."

"Rotherham has a lot of potential and offers not just great business space – it also has a workforce with the desirable skills that companies are looking for. Wrapping that up into an individual pre-recruitment package that suits each business will be my job and I'm looking forward to it."

She adds her experience to that of RiDO's already well-respected HR business consultant, Sarah Wilkinson, to offer companies help with recruitment, training and development advice.

RiDO’s head of business development, Tim O'Connell, said: "We're delighted to have someone with Nicola's experience and professionalism join our team. The value of getting recruitment, training and HR right is often underestimated but it can make a big difference to any business."

Rotherham Investment & Development Office

Images: RiDO


how to ollie February 3, 2010 at 11:07 PM  

Excellent post and writing style. Bookmarked.

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