Wednesday, December 22, 2010

News: College students spruce up Rotherham vacant shop units


Fashion and Clothing students from Rotherham College of Arts and Technology (RCAT) have played a part in improving Rotherham town centre.

Council funds have been used to help increase the range of shops on offer and initiatives are also underway to improve the appearance of empty shop units until they are taken over.

The "Meanwhile Project" aims to bring life and footfall back to the town centre by improving the look of vacant units throughout the town centre.

RCAT students have played a part by creating a number of Christmas themed window displays including garments made from a variety of unusual materials.

The College students worked to a brief provided by The Source, a training and skills academy who are working with Rotherham Council on the initiative.

Gwen Plant, the College's Curriculum Leader for Art and Design, said: "To produce the window display to professional standards the fashion students were required to work as a team and to meet a short deadline. The Fashion students also benefitted from working with representatives from the Source training agency and gained a good understanding of visual merchandising requirements."

Dave Webber, Visual Merchandiser for The Source was impressed with the newly improved displays and said: "The students have been very creative and the final results have a fantastic visual impact."

Other initiatives has seen Rotherham Open Arts Renaissance take over the Old Market building during the Rotherham Open Arts Festival and "official" graffiti artists, Urban Canvas improving the look of the empty shops on the High Street with large scale artwork.

Rotherham town centre website
RCAT website
The Source website


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