Wednesday, June 29, 2011

News: Accountancy scholarship for Rotherham student


Luke Richardson, a student at Thomas Rotherham College (TRC) in Rotherham, has been announced as the successful winner of the Kaplan scholarship for 2011.

Every year Kaplan Financial, the UK's leading provider of accountancy and financial training, selects 16 students for a £15,000 scholarship. This would pay for accountancy training once they start employment and is a major incentive for employers in these hard economic times.

Luke had applied to the University of Durham to study accounting, but having won this award has decided to follow this route into his accountancy career. He has also been offered a trainee accountant position with PKF Accountants, one of the top ten accounting firms in the UK and.

Luke follows in the footsteps of former TRC student, Alex Abel, who won the scholarship in 2010. Alex is also now working for PKF Accountants in Sheffield.

A spokesperson from Kaplan said: "It's quite an accolade for TRC to have winning students in two consecutive years."

Kaplan also offers apprenticeships with some of the top ten accounting firms and TRC student, Jordan Bentley, has secured a position with Grant Thornton Accountancy Firm.

TRC website


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