Monday, February 13, 2012

News: Mayor calls in at Capita


The Mayor of Rotherham, Councillor Shaun Wright was given the opportunity to visit one of the region's largest employers recently as he took a tour of Capita's Dearne Valley customer management contact centre in Rotherham.

Capita, the UK's leading outsourcing company, purchased Ventura, a customer contact specialist, for £65m last year. The company employs over 5,000 staff from the area and provides outsourced multi-channel contact centre services to a wide range of organisations across the UK.

Bruce MacLeod, managing director of Capita's customer management business, said: "We were delighted to welcome the Mayor to our Rotherham site this week and are keen to continue to support the good work of the Council in the regeneration of the region. The local community in which we work and do business is extremely important to us."

The Mayor added: "During my Mayoral year I have tried to visit as many businesses and companies as possible across the Borough, to thank them and their employees for their investment and hard work in making our town a success at a time when commerce and workers are operating in a very difficult climate.

"Saying thank-you and helping to shine a spotlight on some of the tremendous enterprises throughout Rotherham is a privilege and the very least I can do as Mayor.

"It was extremely interesting and very informative to see Capita's facility in Rotherham at close quarters and to hear how the Manvers site delivers a world class service. I am very proud that Rotherham people are playing such a big role in assisting the customers of some of the country's biggest household names. "

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Andrew Klinkenberg of Rotherham Investment and Development Office, the regeneration arm of Rotherham Borough Council, added: "The Mayor has been very keen to use his year in office to support local businesses and so it made perfect sense to arrange a visit to Capita which is one of the biggest employers in the borough and vitally important to Rotherham's economy.

"Capita has played a huge role in the on-going investment and regeneration within the Dearne Valley and we look forward to continued close working with them in the future."

Capita webiste

Images: Capita


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