Friday, March 9, 2012

News: Rotherham Ready for royal appointments


Rotherham school children are set to show The Duke of York, Prince Andrew what makes Rotherham the most enterprising place in Britian.

The royal visitor is scheduled to meet with pupils at Herringthorpe Infants School next week and discuss the world-leading enterprise education programme, Rotherham Ready.

The pioneering scheme, part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, works with schools and colleges to embed enterprise in education from 4-19 and beyond. Hundreds of teachers have been trained to develop enterprise in schools and colleges, and the scheme has harnessed the passion of the business community to promote enterprise and entrepreneurship in education.

Over 100 schools and colleges in Rotherham have also achieved the Warwick Award for Excellence in Enterprise Education - the quality mark for enterprise learning.

Rotherham Ready is internationally recognised as a model of best practice and it has been successful rolled out in other areas of the UK. A national enterprise education programme called "Are You Ready?", which is based on the ground-breaking work taking place in Rotherham, was launched last year.

It was the culture of enterprise fostered by Rotherham Ready and Rotherham Youth Enterprise that earned Rotherham the title of the most enterprising place in the UK when they won the Enterprising Britain competition in 2010.

The Duke of York will also be attending a business lunch at Rotherham College of Arts and Technology (RCAT) in the town centre.

Rotherham Ready website
RCAT website


Tom,  March 15, 2012 at 11:04 AM  

The Royal visit had to be postponed to a later date.

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