News: Work due to start on Manvers waste plant
A partnership between Shanks Group plc and SSE (Scottish and Southern Energy plc), 3SE plans to use three sites to treat waste with this new facility adjacent to the NEXT warehouse at Brookfield's Park, designed to create material suitable for recovery and recycling.
The facility would receive up to 265,000 tonnes per annum and treat leftover household waste from Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. The three councils secured £77m through the Private Finance Initiative for the scheme.
Members of the planning board at Rotherham Council approved the planning application in April 2012. Then as part of the rigorous process for such proposals, it was subject to further government and potential legal scrutiny. The formal period for all this has now passed and the development can now go ahead.
Work is due to start on site this month with the construction of a new access bridge into the development site starting on Monday September 10.
This will mean the temporary closure of a 700-metre stretch of public bridleway for an initial period of six months.
Birse and Mansell (both part of Balfour Beatty) are the main contractors for the £34m contract to construct buildings and infrastructure as part of a new Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) facility.
The Manvers plant is expected to create 40 jobs with more in the construction phase. Construction is expected to take 28 months with completion scheduled for winter 2014. After a period of testing, the plant is expected to become fully operational in spring 2015.
Shanks will operate the facility over the 25-year period of the contract until 2040. They estimate that the contract is worth £750m.
BDR Waste Partnership website
Images: 3SE
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