Wednesday, March 20, 2013

News: First turbine tower complete at Rotherham wind farm


Work on the construction of the first turbine tower at the £21.9m Penny Hill wind farm in Rotherham has been completed.

Banks Renewables secured planning permission for the six turbine wind farm at Ulley in 2010. Turbines with a maximum height of 132m, are set to be built on green belt land to the west of the junction of the M1 and M18.

Around 30 jobs are being created directly on site through the construction of the scheme, with a number of contracts also being awarded to local firms for the supply of materials and sub-contract works.

The turbines that have been specified for the scheme have the highest capacity of any ever used in a UK onshore wind farm and are expected to be generating electricity by the end of March.

With an installed capacity of 20.4MW, the Penny Hill wind farm will produce enough energy to meet the annual electricity consumption requirements of over 12,000 homes – or around ten per cent of all the homes in the Rotherham area.

In addition to this, Banks has already made a further £50,000 investment to help establish a Warm Zone scheme across the Rotherham area. This scheme will deliver practical measures such as cavity wall insulation and loft insulation into local homes.

Phil Dyke, development director at Banks Renewables, said: "Erecting the first turbines towers is obviously a real landmark for us, and takes us ever closer to being able to generate substantial amounts of renewable energy from the Penny Hill scheme.

"A great deal of work went into the planning of our delivery schedule to both minimise local traffic disruption and ensure that everyone is fully kept up to date on when deliveries are scheduled to take place, and we're very pleased with how things have gone so far.

"Further deliveries will take place over the coming weeks to enable us to continue the construction process, and we will ensure that everyone remains fully informed about the schedule ahead of any convoys' arrival.

"The wind farm is already making a positive contribution to the local area in several different ways, including new jobs, supply chain support and the Warm Zone scheme, and with regular funding from the wind farm's benefits fund still to come, this is just the beginning of the long-term, positive impact that our work here will have on the local community."

Banks Renewables website

Images: Banks Renewables


Anonymous,  April 29, 2013 at 10:44 PM  

Great to see that Rotherham is supporting renewable energy!

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