Tuesday, June 4, 2013

News: Millions secured for Rotherham transport improvements


Rotherham Council has secured £5m from the government to carry out important transport schemes in the borough.

The funding is from the second tranche of the Department for Transport's £190m Local Pinch Point Fund, first announced in December 2012 that includes improvements and upgrades to vital roads and bridges, new access routes and enhancements to address congestion at local traffic hotspots.

£3.4m has been secured for the £5m scheme to convert Pool Green roundabout (Liquid roundabout) on the edge of the town centre into signalised crossroads. The junction of A630 Centenary Way and Main Street currently experiences significant congestion and the council has previously investigated options to improve the capacity of the junction in order to improve journey time reliability and reduce delay.

With £500k of funding from Local Transport Plan (LTP) and £1m of capital funding from the council, the scheme would also remove the barriers currently restricting the development at important sites such as the New York Stadium, the Guest & Chrimes site, Forge Island, Liquid nightclub and the wider town centre.

Development plots on the west side of the junction would be created, which would be in the Council's ownership, and offer a future capital receipt, which initial views suggest could be worth up to £600k.

Work could start in June 2014 and complete in March 2015.

The council has also secured £1.8m for the £2.6m scheme to carry out structural maintenance to The Old Flatts bridge, the first bridge that drivers on the A630 Parkway cross when heading towards Waverley, the Enterprise Zone, and Sheffield from the M1 Motorway.

A scheme of strengthening is required with additional funding coming from the LTP (£400k) and the council (£500k).

Work could start in January 2014 and complete in July 2014.

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin, said: "The schemes we have announced are designed to target key bottlenecks around the country, making life easier for the thousands of motorists and businesses who use the local road network every day.

"Investing in these schemes shows that the government is serious about accelerating growth where it is needed most.

"These schemes have the potential to help create more than 100,000 jobs and around 100,000 new homes.

"I look forward to seeing works underway as soon as possible."


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