Monday, June 24, 2013

News: Ron Hull start on civic site


Rotherham's own Ron Hull Demolition look to be making short work of the old council buildings on the civic site in Rotherham town centre.

The six month project will see Norfolk House, the Civic Building and the old Central Library demolished along with the removal of the Centenary Way flyover. It follows the Barbot Hall company's demolition of Crinoline House last year.

Anglo-Dutch developer, TCN, purchased the five-acre site from Rotherham Council for £7.3m. It has contracted ISG to build a new 110,000 sq ft Tesco Extra superstore with a completion date pencilled in for the end of 2014.
David Wall, contracts director at Ron Hull Demolition, said: "Preparation work on Norfolk House, involving the internal stripping of the building, has been underway for three weeks.

"The actual demolition of the five-storey building, which is now underway, will be quite swift, just a couple of weeks but there is then quite a lot of work to be done, processing concrete and other materials that are to be re-used on the site.

"The Civic Centre is scheduled to follow next month and the library will follow on from that. The removal of the Centenary Way flyover will be carefully scheduled once the new road layout is completed.

"We will be handing over a completely cleared site before Christmas."

The store is expected to come out of the ground when foundation work commences in January 2014. The approved plans will see Tesco increase their floorspace from 31,000 sq ft at the current Rotherham town centre store on Forge Island to 67,000 sq ft at the new store. Plans also include 540 parking spaces and a petrol filling station.

David added: "Clearly we are trying to keep the impact that the operation has on the town centre to the absolute minimum. The island nature of the site, which has now been ring fenced, means that there should be little disruption to shops and businesses in the area.

"Pedestrian traffic that previously went through the site has now been successfully diverted around with a new access route way."
"The demolition project will be a very sustainable operation. The demolished building materials will be crushed and re-used in the redevelopment of the site. Steel, wood and other materials that are not required will be moved to the Hull Group's recycling centre that is just a mile and a half away. It is one of the most advanced facilities of its type in the country, a zero-to-landfill operation, so absolutely nothing is wasted."

Ron Hull website

Images: Ron Hull Demolition


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