Rotherham's central Post Office in the town centre has been named in the latest list of Crown branches at risk of closure.
Post Office confirmed that it would be seeking partners for 37 of its directly managed branches as part of its efforts to secure its services in communities around the UK for the long term. This is in addition to 93 previously announced during the course of the last calendar year, nearly half of which have now successfully relocated into retail stores.
A partner is now being sought for the branch on Bridgegate in the town centre. If none can be found, the branch could close.
A second Post Offices on Wellgate is not part of the Crown network and offers less services.
The Bridgegate branch has been modernised in recent years with the addition of self-service machines and retail space for WH Smith stationery.
Rothbiz reported in October on the partnership between Heron Foods and Post Office which ensured that a branch remains in Dinnington.
Advertisement Roger Gale, sales and trade marketing director at Post Office, said: "We're committed to maintaining the Post Office's special place on the high street and the changes we are making underpin our continued commitment to give communities in every part of the country access to essential services.
"The Post Office's network of more than 11,600 branches is easily the largest in the UK, with 17 million customer visits a week. The vast majority of these branches are run with partners, and in the locations announced today we believe this will also be a more sustainable approach for the long term. With consumer habits changing, and the high cost of maintaining premises in prime high street locations, franchising helps us to keep services where our customers want and need them.
"We will take time to identify the right partners over the coming months and all proposals will be subject to local consultation.
"Post Office has a strong record of supporting people through change and we will be keeping affected staff fully informed as we develop our plans."
By franchising the Crown Post Offices to local businesses, the Communication Workers Union has estimated that 300 jobs will be lost nationwide.
Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham, said: "The Government has made the announcement of closures before even responded to a consultation it held on the Post Office last year which is totally unacceptable.
"The Crown Post Office in Rotherham provides vital services like passport renewal and driving licence verification, which will be difficult for to people to access elsewhere.
"Rotherham deserves better. The closures can only be seen as a systematic attack on our local services at a time Government should be investing in our infrastructure, not stripping it away."
The Post office is the centre of a village or an important part of the "high Stree"
Post office offer valuable services for all people but, yet again, especially for poor people. At some point we all need to send or return a parcel the Post office offers high quality delivery service that at least acts as a viable alternative and competition.
We should all support our Post offices and local Pharmacies.
The Post office is the centre of a village or an important part of the "high Stree"
Post office offer valuable services for all people but, yet again, especially for poor people.
At some point we all need to send or return a parcel the Post office offers high quality delivery service
that at least acts as a viable alternative and competition.
We should all support our Post offices and local Pharmacies.
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