Another prominent three-storey property in Rotherham town centre has been put up for sale.
30-32 Effingham Street is currently occupied by Wray's Butchers, one of the town centre's oldest traders. Independent Sheffield based commercial property consultancy, Crosthwaite Commercial, is marketing the 3,966 sq ft property which occupies a corner position opposite the indoor market.
Offers in the region of £495,000 are invited.
Advertisement The property is listed as "Available due to Relocation" with bids invited for the freehold but letting may also be on the cards as agents state that a new lease may be available for the entire premises, subject to the agreement of suitable terms.
With frontages on to Effingham Street and Howard Street, the property also includes a store and ancillary space on the first and second floors. The agents also add that the "potential exists to convert the upper floors to residential, using the existing separate entrance from Howard Street."
In 2015, Wray's Butchers began trading at new premises on Effingham Street in what was the former Ilkeston Co-Op Travel shop. Previous occupants have included Wakefield Army Stores and Jackson's Stores.
The family business has been trading in Rotherham for over 50 years, most recently on Upper Millgate.
Rothbiz has been reporting on a number of properties in the town centre that have recently gone up for sale. These include 1-22 Effingham Square, which recently failed to sell at auction and 27 - 29 College Street, known by many as the previous home of national retailer, Marks & Spencer, which was sold prior to an auction in December.
2-6 Effingham Street went up for sale in October 2017 with a £1.1m but it is no longer being advertised.
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