Wednesday, April 29, 2020

News: Rotherham pub joins in with chorus to save our venues


A popular Rotherham pub and live music venue is trying to remain positive but is warning that it faces closure due to the implications caused by Coronavirus.

The Cutler's Arms, one of Rotherham town centre's historic pubs, has joined a national campaign to prevent the closure of hundreds of independent music venues.

The venue is operated by Rotherham's own award-winning Chantry Brewery and is popular with real ale fans and fans of live music.

The pub has been open for five years and survived a fire last year that staff said could have destroyed the Grade 2 listed building. It will be exempt from paying business rates in 2020/21 but is now also joining a national initiative launched by Music Venue Trust in response to the continued economic threat to over 500 Grassroots music venues throughout the UK.

The charity trust has already raised over £182,000 thanks to significant donations from Amazon Music, SJM, a number of high-profile artists and music fans throughout the UK. It has now re-named its fund to the #saveourvenues fund and will form part of a wider initiative that will see artists raising money for individual venues with whom they have a personal connection.

Music fans are encouraged to show their support by engaging with the #saveourvenues shows and donating to their local venue's crowd funding pages but can also choose to donate directly to the main #saveourvenues fund via the campaign website.


Mark Davyd, CEO, Music Venue Trust, said: "We have received some magnificent support so far from music companies, but we need a lot more to step up and help save this essential part of the music eco-system. We cannot stress enough how critical it is that the music industry supports the #saveourvenues campaign as without them over 500 of the UK’s Grassroots Music Venues could go out of business, never to return, in the coming months."

The Cutler's Arms said on its fundraising page: "Our venue faces closure due to the implications caused by coronavirus. We still face ongoing bills and we've promised all of our staff 100% pay for as long as we can, this will all help us to ensure we can survive this hardship and keep all our staff in jobs. We are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that we come back with a bang whenever that may be. We're trying to remain positive and hope that with all your support we can make the comeback we dream of.

"Your donations will be used to ensure that the Cutlers' will be back bigger and better than ever! We can't wait to see our Cutlers' family again..

"If we hit our target [£15,000], and we can prevent the closure of our venue, everything above the amount we need will be donated to the Music Venue Trust GMV Crisis Fund to protect other venues just like ours, right across the country.

The Cutler's Arms crowdfunder page is here.

Music venues trust website

Images: Cutler's Arms / Facebook


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