News: Maltby pit owner submits plans for houses
A planning application has been submitted for 200 houses on the site of the former Maltby Colliery, where underground operations ceased in 2013.
The 500 acre colliery was mined for over 100 years until geological conditions could not be overcome. The employment site has been taken on by Ritchie Bros., the world's largest auctioneer of heavy equipment and trucks, for its UK location, with the rest of the site undergoing restoration.
Now an outline planning application from Hargreaves Land shows that a site to the west of the colliery is coming forward for new housing.
The 29.5 acre site is currently a mix of green space, including informal allotments and a recreation ground, between Highfield Park, Tickhill Road and the colliery.
The land was allocated for residential use - 150 dwellings - in the Council's local plan. It is close to where Jones Homes are planning to build hundreds of new houses at Grange Lane.
Plans, drawn up by Gerald Eve consultants and Edward Architecture, show that the new development would include a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached houses of between two to four bedrooms. A minimum of 25% would be classed as affordable homes.
Access would be from a new junction off Tickhill Road (close to the Lumley Arms pub) and would encroach the Green Belt and result in the "loss of a small area of ancient woodland within the Local Wildlife Site."
As part of the plans, applicants would set aside public open space including space for community sports and leisure. Woodland would be retained and improved and wildlife corridors would be created. At the north of the site 100 allotment sites would be created on three acres of land.
Respondents to the pre-application consultation have raised road safety concerns regarding Tickhill Road and many users of the current allotments are concerned about the impact on livestock.
The applicants state in the plans: "In terms of allotment provision, it is important to note the existing individual allotment plots are vastly oversized and of a poor quality, with some areas being used for the storage of various items, including waste; they cannot be classified as allotments in the usual sense of the word.
"As part of the proposed development it is proposed to provide approximately 100 allotment spaces (measuring 20m x 5m) to the north of the site. Doing so allows for the allotment provision to be rationalised in a suitable location for adequate future management. Whilst the overall area of the existing allotments will be reduced in spatial terms, it is considered that the proposal increases both the overall quantity and quality of allotments."
Andrew Johnson, head of asset management at Hargreaves Land, said: "If approved our plans will provide an exciting new development, delivering much needed new housing for the local community and vastly improve what is currently a largely neglected area of land.”
Hargreaves Land website
Images: Hargreaves Land / Edward Architecture
The 500 acre colliery was mined for over 100 years until geological conditions could not be overcome. The employment site has been taken on by Ritchie Bros., the world's largest auctioneer of heavy equipment and trucks, for its UK location, with the rest of the site undergoing restoration.
Now an outline planning application from Hargreaves Land shows that a site to the west of the colliery is coming forward for new housing.
The 29.5 acre site is currently a mix of green space, including informal allotments and a recreation ground, between Highfield Park, Tickhill Road and the colliery.
The land was allocated for residential use - 150 dwellings - in the Council's local plan. It is close to where Jones Homes are planning to build hundreds of new houses at Grange Lane.
Plans, drawn up by Gerald Eve consultants and Edward Architecture, show that the new development would include a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached houses of between two to four bedrooms. A minimum of 25% would be classed as affordable homes.
Access would be from a new junction off Tickhill Road (close to the Lumley Arms pub) and would encroach the Green Belt and result in the "loss of a small area of ancient woodland within the Local Wildlife Site."
As part of the plans, applicants would set aside public open space including space for community sports and leisure. Woodland would be retained and improved and wildlife corridors would be created. At the north of the site 100 allotment sites would be created on three acres of land.
Respondents to the pre-application consultation have raised road safety concerns regarding Tickhill Road and many users of the current allotments are concerned about the impact on livestock.
The applicants state in the plans: "In terms of allotment provision, it is important to note the existing individual allotment plots are vastly oversized and of a poor quality, with some areas being used for the storage of various items, including waste; they cannot be classified as allotments in the usual sense of the word.
"As part of the proposed development it is proposed to provide approximately 100 allotment spaces (measuring 20m x 5m) to the north of the site. Doing so allows for the allotment provision to be rationalised in a suitable location for adequate future management. Whilst the overall area of the existing allotments will be reduced in spatial terms, it is considered that the proposal increases both the overall quantity and quality of allotments."
Andrew Johnson, head of asset management at Hargreaves Land, said: "If approved our plans will provide an exciting new development, delivering much needed new housing for the local community and vastly improve what is currently a largely neglected area of land.”
Hargreaves Land website
Images: Hargreaves Land / Edward Architecture
Much needed housing for the local community....yeah ok😏
No more houses required,better road access for the amount of traffic needed now
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