Thursday, November 24, 2022

News: Rotherham youngsters in focus as part of Creative Careers Programme


A programme to help young people from underrepresented backgrounds break into the creative industries is to run in Rotherham, backed by £950,000 in Government funding.

To develop the next generation of talent, the Government has chosen ScreenSkills, the screen industry’s skills body, to lead the delivery of a Creative Careers Programme, targeted in 53 priority areas across the country including Rotherham.

The creative industries are one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK economy. The programme will provide specialist guidance to 11 to 18-year-olds on careers and help pay for industry-led digital and in-person events, lesson plans, a dedicated careers website with careers information and resources, and training for careers advisors. This will help ensure more young people from a diverse range of backgrounds can take advantage of the fantastic careers opportunities in these sectors.

The previous Creative Careers Programme was devised by ScreenSkills, Creative & Cultural Skills and the Creative Industries Federation. It is an industry-designed and led initiative to raise awareness of opportunities for work across the creative economy. It was a commitment made by government and industry, made through the Creative Industries Sector Deal with support from the Creative Industries Council and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

The Creative Careers Programme aims to ensure that there is a larger and more diverse intake of young people into the sector. It will respond to serious skills gaps and help to cultivate a workforce that is fit for the future.

Skills shortages and risks to the talent pipeline are some of the most urgent challenges facing the creative industries. There is a lack of awareness among young people and those who influence them about opportunities for work within the creative economy and how to pursue them, which has limited the talent and diversity of those entering the sector.

The programme will mobilise employers, addressing serious market failures which have resulted in too few young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, considering creative careers or being able to find entry routes into the sector.

Film and high-end television production in the UK could be worth £7.66 billion – up from £5.64 billion – by 2025 and require nearly 21,000 more crew under detailed analysis published earlier this year.

Seetha Kumar, CEO ScreenSkills, said: “The data in this report will help us all plan sensibly to ensure the UK has the skilled and inclusive workforce needed to capitalise on the potential for further growth. The film and television industry is one of the UK’s great success stories and we need to work together to keep it that way. Growing the workforce will help ensure the country fully benefits from the projected growth in production expenditure.”

ScreenSkills website

Images: ScreenSkills


Anonymous,  November 24, 2022 at 8:49 PM  

Wonder what the money will be used for? I don't want to sound negative, but if the Government gave me nearly a million pounds, I'm fairly sure I could create some paid jobs in the creative industries sector.

I've been a little sceptical of programmes like these, which all too often seem to create false hope for our young people. Having said that, I hope I'm proved wrong and it does result in boost for the sector.

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