Tuesday, December 20, 2022

News: Plans approved for large scale housing developments in Rotherham


Three separate housing developments have been approved by Rotherham Council. Between them, 462 new houses are proposed in total for the south of the borough.

At Dinnington, Barratt Homes has secured approval for a development of 151 new dwellings on land at Lodge Lane.

The Former Dinnington Miners’ Welfare Recreation Ground site is currently unmanaged grassland with a disused multi-use hardcourt and overgrown abandoned mini-golf course. The site was abandoned around ten years ago and the buildings have been demolished and the remaining play facilities are derelict and overgrown.

Renamed Thornberry Gardens by the developer, the site is approximately 12 acres in size and is part of a wider 16 acre housing allocation in Rotherham's adopted Local Plan.

The primary access would be from Lodge Lane, close to Dinnington RUFC, and the plans include two, three, four-bedroom houses.

The planning board at Rotherham Council voted to approve the plans and they were referred to the Secratary of State who has decided not to intervene in the decision. Objectors where unhappy with the loss of the Miners’ Welfare Recreation Ground.

A number of conditions were attached to the approval, including money to improve local sports facilities such as those at Dinnington rugby club.

At Waverley, Yorkshire's largest brownfield regeneration scheme, Avant has secured planning permission with a reserved matters application for the erection of 173 houses on land at Phase 3B Riverside, off Poplar Way/Orgreave Road.

Heading to the riverside area, there is a proposed mixture of 2, 3, 4 & 5 bedroom units in houses and two apartment blocks which are mixture of 2 & 3 storeys in height. The scheme provides 30 affordable homes.

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A 12.6-acre plot was sold to Avant Homes by Waverley developers, Harworth Group, earlier this year. Avant has now acquired four plots at Waverley - Sorby Row, Sorby Village and Sorby Park.

Also at Waverley, outline permission for up to 138 houses with all matters reserved has been secured for a plot of land at Mitchell Way. Harworth Group is looking to bring forward a mixed-use scheme in this area around the proposed the Olive Lane scheme. The regeneration specialist is also bidding to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority's brownfield housing fund to support its aims.

Barrat Homes website
Avant website
Harworth Group website

Images: Barratt Homes


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