Tuesday, December 20, 2022

News: Positive signs of £28m battery production plant opening in Rotherham


The signs are that the Ultimate Battery Company is set to power a brighter future for Rotherham by creating hundreds of jobs in its new production plant for lightweight, eco-friendly batteries.

Rothbiz reported in March regarding the support that the Manchester firm had received from South Yorkshire bodies during its search for a factory location.

A planning application has recently been submitted for new signage for the Ultimate Battery Company at a site at New Orchard Lane, Thurcroft, Rotherham.

The company, which aims to reduce CO2 emissions through transformative new technologies and energy storage solutions, will anchor its manufacturing base in the region following a pledge of financial support from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA), and help from the Department of International Trade (DIT).

£5.2m from the SYMCA's "gainshare" pot has been allocated to support the Ultimate Battery Company, who have previously said that it would invest £28m setting up a UK production plant. SYMCA marked the project down as an investment in Rotherham in its budget documents last month.

The SYMCA pledged financial support to enable the firm to set up a new research and development centre and manufacturing facility in the region to develop lighter, more energy dense batteries for the automotive sector and is set to create 495 new jobs.

In addition to the financial support, the company worked with the University of Sheffield’s engineering students and its Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) during the research phase.

The Ultimate Battery Company aims to deliver a new battery that provides Lithium-like performance at 35% of the cost, enables twice the energy to be stored in the same physical space and provides a faster charging rate. These batteries would significantly reduce weight by up to 15Kg per vehicle, driving down CO2 emissions and manufacturing costs, while increasing energy densities.

Alexander Stafford, MP for Rother Valley, welcomed the news. He said: "The Ultimate Battery Company, with their innovative green energy technology, is set to create hundreds of jobs after announcing plans for a new production plant for lightweight, eco-friendly batteries.

"Along with the nearby Advanced Manufacturing Park at Waverley continuing to expand and high-skilled manufacturers like United Caps bringing skilled jobs to Dinnington, the future is looking positive for bringing more opportunities to Rother Valley."

Ultimate Battery Company website

Images: AMRC


Anonymous,  December 21, 2022 at 11:32 AM  

Bloody Brexit

Anonymous,  December 21, 2022 at 12:34 PM  

Minority view in these parts!

Anonymous,  December 22, 2022 at 2:37 PM  

Yeah you keep telling yourself that......

Anonymous,  December 23, 2022 at 3:31 PM  

Oh look a remoaner,still can't except democracy!

Anonymous,  December 24, 2022 at 11:46 PM  

Childish name calling, just what I expected!

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