Monday, April 14, 2008

News: Rotherham business centres go large


The success of Rotherham in fostering new start-up companies is going on display in a bid to tempt more would-be entrepreneurs to get involved. Three huge roadside billboards will kick-start a campaign to encourage people to start their own business by highlighting RiDO's cluster of already-successful business centres for start-up and growing companies, including Century, Moorgate Crofts and the soon-to-be completed Fusion@Magna. RiDO’s business development manager, Tim O’Connell, said: “We know from experience so far that there are plenty of people out there, not just in Rotherham, who dream of starting their own businesses. The posters are aimed at encouraging them and showing the support we give in excellent centres." RiDO’s long-standing reputation for running successful centres means Century is virtually full, with a waiting list, and Moorgate Crofts is more than 80% occupied. Fusion@Magna is suitable for a wide range of business but particularly for advanced engineering, creative and digital. Companies will find a centre at the cutting edge of eco-friendly design, with its “living walls”, and a green roof on the workshops.
RiDO website


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