Friday, May 30, 2008

News: Maltby celebrates 100 years of coal production


Hargreaves, the owners of Maltby Colliery in Rotherham have organised a weekend of celebrations to mark the pit's 100th year of producing coal. On Saturday May 31 they'll be a family fun-day including a free children’s funfair, various displays and performances by the Maltby Colliery Band. The day will be officially launched by Rother Valley MP and former miner Kevin Barron who will also present awards to some of the pit's longest-serving miners. Also on Saturday, Ashes to Ashes and Life on Mars actor, Dean Andrews will compere an evening of music and a charity auction at Maltby Miners Welfare Club. A service will be held in St Bartholomew’s Church on Sunday to remember those people who lost their lives in the pit over the last 100 years, and after the service the Maltby Colliery Band will lead a procession to the village monument where there will be a wreath-laying ceremony.
Hargreaves website
The Star article


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