Thursday, May 29, 2008

News: Airport top priority for South Yorkshire


Following on from the publication of the Yorkshire & Humber Plan earlier in the month, The Star reports that the Yorkshire and Humber Assembly have placed Robin Hood Airport back among the region's top investment priorities. It is also reported that the Yorkshire Regional Transport Board are set to back a project that is expected to pave the way for the airport's planned link road. The Yorkshire & Humber Plan recognises the importance of the airport as a significant economic driver and a catalyst for regeneration for the wider sub area and Doncastor's Mayor, Martin Winter told The Star: "To date, there has been over £100 million of private sector investment in the airport and this investment will continue. "The air-related development at the airport is going to have a catalytic impact on economic growth, not only in Doncaster but in South Yorkshire as a whole."


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