Tuesday, July 1, 2008

News: Dinnington a top destination for foreign companies


The Yorkshire Post reports on the number of foreign investment projects in Yorkshire from Ernst & Young's latest European Investment Monitor (EIM). Yorkshire was 10th out of 12 UK regions for attracting FDI with the number of projects rising by two to 16 last year. The UK stayed the top choice for inward investment in Europe in 2007, with 713 such projects announced last year, up from 685 in 2006 and 559 in 2005. Dinnington in Rotherham proves to be a top destination for the location of foreign firms, securing two projects in 2007, just one behind the major cities of Leeds and Sheffield. IBA Molecular of Belgium and Frigologistics from Germany have joined a number of successful companies in Dinnington including Johnston Press, Macalloy, Scomark and Ernest Bennett Ltd. Nigel Wilcock, regional development director at Ernst & Young, told The Yorkshire Post: "Yorkshire may win fewer inward investment projects than rival regions but it continues to win big ticket investment projects with the appeal of its available sites and logistic advantages." Figures released by UK Trade and Investment show that 30 of the 57 inward investment projects that regional development agency Yorkshire Forward dealt with went to South Yorkshire. The report highlights the decision by Dormer Tools, part of the Swedish engineering group Sandvik, to build anew state-of-the-art facility at the Advanced ManufacturingPark in Rotherham.
EIM website
Yorkshire Post article


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