Thursday, July 24, 2008

News: Region can weather economic storm


The banking team at South Yorkshire's leading law firm DLA Piper report strong corporate activity over the first half of the year, much of which is locally generated. Since January the banking team, led by partner Tim Littler, has been involved in transactions ranging in value from £1m to £75m. Tim said: "While the national media is currently full of economic doom and gloom stories, particularly relating to the lack of availability of finance and its effect on the property and housebuilding sectors, we have had a very busy period, mainly with local corporate deals reflecting a healthy level of activity in the regional market. "I think this reflects the fact that there is still a healthy manufacturing base in Sheffield. A lot of companies locally went to the wall in the 1980s and early 1990s and the ones that are left are lean, efficient and well run with strong order books from exploiting international markets. "The marketplace may be challenging but these companies still need to borrow money for general expansion or require funding for trading opportunities or making acquisitions." DLA Piper's Sheffield office has just been named Dealmaking Firm of the Year and Corporate Law Firm of the Year at the prestigious South Yorkshire Dealmakers Dinner.
DLA Piper website


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