Friday, August 1, 2008

News: Dearne Valley College goes platinum


Dearne Valley College (DVC) in Rotherham is celebrating being awarded The Warwick Platinum Award for Excellence in Enterprise Education. DVC is the first FE College in the country to be given this prestigious award. It means that the staff and students have been recognised for their contributions and involvement in enterprise activities. At a presentation held recently at the Carlton Park Hotel, Moorgate, Rotherham - Grace Rogerson, DVC enterprise co-ordinator was presented with the award from Malcolm Hoare, regional director, Centre for Education and Industry Regional Office University of Warwick. Part of DVC's vision is to: "Enable all students to have an equal opportunity to access Enterprise Learning through a range of learning mediums, thereby equipping them with the skills, knowledge and attributes to be an entrepreneur and for them to be successful both in the world of work and in their personal lives. In particular, we will seek to develop self confidence, initiative, problem solving, people skills and the ability to assess risk." Other Rotherham schools receiving the Platinum Award were Herringthorpe Infant School, Thorpe Hesley Juniors, Wickersley School and Sports College and Hill Top Special School. Jackie Frost, Project Manager for Rotherham Ready said:“These five schools and colleges are the first ever to achieve this new award for excellence in enterprise education. It is a ringing endorsement for the exceptional standard of work that Rotherham schools, teachers and students have reached.
Dearne Valley College website
Rotherham Ready website
South Yorkshire Times article


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