Wednesday, September 3, 2008

News: Rotherham electronics firm benefits from funding initiative


Arrow Technical Services, based on the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Rotherham, are one of a number of firms to benefit from a funding initiative from Electronics Yorkshire. The business development programme has helped 20 firms to expand their equipment portfolios, develop staff training programmes and enhance their marketing strategies. For Arrow Technical Services, Electronics Yorkshire assisted in the purchase and installation of new production equipment which allowed the company to meet new lead-free manufacturing demands and also meant it could design PCBs using finer pitch and smaller components. Arrow is a design consultancy for the electronics sector whose services include concept development, product design, prototyping and project management. Some of Arrow's products have included infrared thermal inspection systems, water saving products, central heating system controllers and MP3 players. Chris Worrall, managing director at Arrow Technical Services, said: "The new production equipment has enabled us to keep up to date with the latest manufacturing technology advances and allowed us to maintain and win new contracts due to our improved manufacturing capabilities, as a result. The support and assistance from Electronics Yorkshire has been invaluable and can only bring huge benefits to the whole region in terms of jobs and job security."
Arrow Technical Services website
Electronics Yorkshire website
The Business Desk article


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