In an interview with lifestyle magazine, Around Town Rotherham, Chris Hamby of Hamby's outlines the plans for the heritage led redevelopment of the High Street shop. Chris told the magazine: "We shall be applying for a grant and that'll be to renovate the building; put back the turret on the corner, redo the clock; pretty much everything that we need to put it back to as it was. The building is not listed but it is in a conservation area; it is Georgian with a sort of Victorian facade tacked on. We're going to put a Georgian style shop front facing into the Minster Close on the back of the building and hopefully that should tie in." The £5m Heritage Lottery-Funded (HLF) Townscape Heritage Initiative is aimed at repairing historic buildings, to help restore their economic viability. The THI is a key project of Rotherham Renaissance and concentrated along the historic area of High Street within the town centre.
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